Lovejoy News

Spring 2003:   Welcome to the spring news update. To be honest it didn’t seem quite like spring yet as I was scraping frost of my car window this morning, but there’s been one or two days recently which have been blue and beautiful, so it can only be just around the corner. Can’t it?

Anyway, it’s been a while since the last update and there’s been a few new developments in the world of Lovejoy, so we’ll get straight down to business...

First up, as hinted at last time, Lovejoy have been asked to play live by several different people and as a result of this there might be a number of gigs this year. The ones confirmed so far are really very exciting, as they will be the first Lovejoy gigs outside of the UK. Yes! We’re off to Spain in February, thanks to those lovely people at Canciones Huerfanas, the distributors of Matinée Recordings in Spain. The short tour will feature Lovejoy (Dick playing acoustically), Harper Lee and Trembling Blue Stars. Tempted? The dates have just been confirmed:

Barcelona, Sala Razzmatazz, 26th February
Madrid, Sala Barbarella, 28th February
A Coruna, Sala Playa Club, 1st March

Soon after returning home it’s going to be back to the studio for Lovejoy, as we’re planning to record a brand new single for Matinée (probably a CDEP this time). We’ll also be recording a couple of songs for compilation albums, one of which will be released as part of Matinée 50, the special project Jimmy is planning for this year, and another for a Canadian label, which will be a tribute to the Television Personalities. More news next time.

At this point we should probably mention that the snowdrops are going to be recording this year as well, and hopefully their long delayed debut single may see the light of day in the not too distant future. In celebration of this release those nice people at IndiePages have launched a fledgling (IE quite basic) snowdrops website, click on the link to take a look. We plan to add new things to this site in the near future… ish

Meanwhile, the album ‘Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?’ is still gathering good reviews all over the place, which is always nice. The recently revamped Matinée site has a page of reviews linked to the Lovejoy page, so take a look. We’ve also been asked to do interviews for a couple of publications - again there should be more news on these next time.

So there you have it, lots of hints of good things to come, rather like the weather really, but not much that’s absolutely definite yet….if you get the chance to come to any of the dates in Spain, come and say ‘hello’, or ‘hola!’ (probably best stick to the former as our Spanish is very poor), and hopefully it wont be quite so long before there’s another update.

Until next time…

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