May/June 2005: Greetings! Just time for a brief ‘spring’ update to let you all know the new Lovejoy album ‘Everybody Hates’ is now available almost everywhere, but if you’re stuck for ideas check out the Matinee website where you can find a list of distributors and reputable mail order links…if all else fails, contact us direct at and we’ll do our best to help out. Reviews so far have been very good with comments like these: 'Everybody Hates… cannot fail to impress, openly poppy tracks mix with the slightly rockier moments… it all holds together perfectly’ (Friends Of The Heroes) ‘An early contributor to your album-of-the-year list!’ (Fraction Discs), so we’re feeling quite happy! To see more reviews, visit the releases page and click on the link for ‘Everybody Hates’.
We’ve also just got time to let you know a few other things as well; Lovejoy will be playing live this year!, or at least Dick will be (acoustically)…so far two dates are set up in Stuttgart, Germany on the 25th / 26th June, if you’re going to be in the area, contact us for further details. We’re also still hoping to confirm dates in Sweden, Denmark and London later in the year, so hopefully we’ll have more details next time…
Our friends at Tranzistor zine, based in Greece wrote a really good review of Everybody Hates and in April they interviewed Dick as well. The interview (in English) is up on their site, so click the link to see what was said…
There’s two compilation appearances coming up, one is already out – ‘If I Could Write Poetry’ is a TVPs tribute from Canadian label, The Beautiful Music. The album features our version of ‘Someone To Share My Life With’, which was one side of last years highly acclaimed 7” on Unpopular. It’s already out, apparently so contact the label direct for details of how to get hold of a copy, although we should receive some copies here at Lovejoy HQ soon. The second appearance is on a June Brides tribute, which should be out June / July, more details to follow.
Finally, the Snowdrops (featuring Dick, Keith and Pam Berry amongst others) will be working to complete their long awaited CDEP for Matinee very soon, so come back soon for further news…
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