STOP PRESS! Just confirmed - Richard will be playing an acoustic Lovejoy set at the Some Gorgeous Accident festival in Bergen, Norway on 22nd October with Pipas, Love Dance and Professor Pez. Email lovejoy for further information.
August/September 2005: Hello and welcome to our latest update, direct from Lovejoy HQ! First of all a belated but heartfelt ‘Thank You’ to a couple of our friends: Firstly Chris at indiepages, for working so hard to get the Lovejoy site overhauled during the last couple of months – as well as a cool new look, he’s added reviews, photos and the video link as well as making slight adjustments here and there…Secondly to our friends in Stuttgart, Germany, particularly Frieder, who set up the recent Lovejoy shows there – it was an amazing, if short trip and Dick thoroughly enjoyed the dates…congratulations to Frieder on his recent wedding by the way!
More live news: Dick is set to play in Aarhus, Denmark on the 17th September at this year’s Pop Revolution festival, other bands are yet to be confirmed but names including Television personalities and Jens Lekman have been mentioned…check back soon for details or contact us directly at if you need any further info. There is also a possibility of a rare London show this Autumn – no dates confirmed yet, but as soon as there is news it will be posted here…
In other, stranger news, Lovejoy has recently had four songs used as background music on the BBC4 series ‘A Digital Picture Of Britain’. Bizarrely, someone at the BBC stumbled across one of our albums and decided that it would sound great as soundtrack material…The series ran for six weeks and we are currently in discussing future use of Lovejoy songs in this way…
No new release news this time, except to say that the long awaited June Brides tribute album should be out by September and Lovejoy are currently working on new material for a CDEP, provisionally entitled ‘Made in England’ and the Snowdrops are working hard to complete recordings for their forthcoming CDEP to be released on Matinee…
So, just a short update this time, but the sun is shining and that my friends, takes far greater precedence than sitting in from of a screen all day, so until next time…
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