Lovejoy News

Autumn 2004:   Welcome to World of Lovejoy, our official home on the web. Now that everyone’s decided to come back inside after the summer, it seems like a good idea to let the world know what’s happening in our strange and often uneventful world… We’ll keep this brief and follow it up with another update just before the new album comes out.

First of all we have to say a belated - but public - hello and thank you to Kalle, Martin and all at Revo 9, plus our very friendly hosts in Malmo, for making the We and You festival such a great weekend in July, and making Dick’s visit so great. Dick played an acoustic Lovejoy set on the Friday night to quite a large crowd in the tent, who seemed to appreciate Lovejoy and let him know by being so very enthusiastic! Dick played a mixture of original songs including several from the forthcoming album, plus some covers as well , Morrissey and the Field Mice to name but two… ‘Hello’s’ and ‘thank you’s’ to all our Swedish (and Danish) friends for being so friendly, giving away fanzines, records, beer, wine etc… and for all their flattery and praise! Hopefully Lovejoy will return to Sweden, and possibly Denmark in the not too distant future. Fingers crossed.

Next we have news on the new Lovejoy album ‘Everybody Hates’: This is due for release this autumn on Matinee Recordings – check their website for up to date details etc… The artwork is underway, track listing set, so barring glitches and other hold-ups, the releases shouldn’t be too far away. The few people who’ve heard the record have all responded very enthusiastically, describing it as the best Lovejoy release so far…

There’s some reviews around for the Unpopular Records 7” that came out a couple of months ago, and these should be found on the releases page. The single seems to getting a lot of nice comments and can be bought through this website!

Finally, two fanzines have just come out in Sweden that feature Lovejoy interviews and reviews and Snowdrops reviews: Try Happiness issue 3 and No Disco issue 8 are the ones to look out for – if you would like to track them down but can’t, drop us a line at Thanks again to both publications for their support!

Okay, that’s all for the moment, check back very soon for news on ‘Everybody Hates’!

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